ForATL Excom Meeting
Seminary Theoloji Malaysia, October 10-11, 2007



Picture 1: Excom with Principal of Seminary Theoloji Malaysia., Left to right: Ms. Hilda V. Putong (Secretary), Rev. Ezra Kok (Principal of STM), Mrs. Elizabeth T. Pulanco (Convenor),  Ms. Christabel Wong (Treasure) Picture 2: ForATL Excom, Left to right Ms. Hilda V. Putong (Secretary,Indonesia Area/Country Representative (AR) ,Mrs. Elizabeth T. Pulanco (Convenor, Philippines Area/Country Representative (AR), Mrs. Rita Wesley (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar Area/Country Representative (AR), Ms. Christabel Wong (Treasure, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam Area/Country Representative (AR), Mr. Tang Sui Tung (IT Task Force, Hong Kong & China Area/Country Representative (AR)

Picture3: Excom meeting, Left to right: , Left to right: Ms. Christabel Wong (Treasure, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam Area/Country Representative (AR), Mrs. Rita Wesley (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar Area/Country Representative (AR),Ms. Hilda V. Putong (Secretary,Indonesia Area/Country Representative (AR), ,Mrs. Elizabeth T. Pulanco (Convenor, Philippines Area/Country Representative (AR) Picture 4: Left to right: Ms. Christabel Wong (Treasure, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam Area/Country Representative (AR), Mrs. Rita Wesley (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar Area/Country Representative (AR), Mr. Tang Sui Tung (IT Task Force, Hong Kong & China Area/Country Representative (AR) ,Mrs. Elizabeth T. Pulanco (Convenor, Philippines Area/Country Representative (AR)

Contact Persons *

Mrs. Elizabeth T. Pulanco, Convenor, email:
Mr. Yesan Sellan, Secretary,,

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webdesign by: Hilda V. Putong@2003-2010